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Mobile App Operating InstructionsUpdated 2 months ago

Download and install The Edge App from your mobile operating system’s app store by following this link: www.edgetheorylabs.com/app


Step 1:
Ensure the device you are using is connected to the WiFi network that you wish to connect the Chiller to, and open the Edge App. Navigate to the Profile tab.

Step 2:
Tap “Add device”

Step 3:
Now you may turn on the Chiller if not already.
Be sure the device is near your phone and within range of the desired wireless network.
Click the continue button.

Step 4:
Press and hold the “W” button or clock button depending on your chiller model for 10 seconds until the Wi-Fi indicator on the display flashes.

Step 5:
The App will attempt to connect to the chiller.
Important Note: The Edge App when connecting to your chiller only works with 2.4 GHz wireless networks. Many wireless networks utilize 5 GHz and may need to be configured at 2.4 GHz. Please contact the manufacturer of your Wi-Fi router for support on this matter if you experience trouble.

Step 6:
The App will successfully connect to the chiller. If the App fails to connect, be sure you are trying to connect to a 2.4 GHz wireless network and repeat all steps.

Step 7:
Name your chiller. Select a name for your chiller. Tap continue.

Step 8:
Select a set temperature.

Step 9:
Congratulations! Your chiller is connected to the Edge App! You can control your chiller through our App interface.


Step 1:
Open the Edge App and navigate to the Profile tab.

Step 2:
If you have not set up your Edge Chiller, refer to Section ___. If you have set up your Edge Chiller, tap on Schedule.

Step 3:
Once in the schedule screen, tap to add a new schedule.

Step 4:
Build a new Schedule:
1. Select a time that you would like to have the chiller turn on or off.
2. Select days that you would like the chiller to adhere to this schedule.
3. Select if you’d like the chiller to turn on or off at this selected time.
4. Tap Save.

You have successfully created a new schedule.

To view more information on managing your app account, please visit the link below.


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